Just like fasting can be jumped into right away, so can raw foodism. It is the natural way for our bodies to live. Sure there will be a transition period where the body will complain as it throws off old toxins but the final results will come far quicker if we just dive in and do it. The only thing keeping us eating the old poisonous foods is habit and holding onto some of that old comfort zone. There is not 'health' reason not to eat as much raw food as you can as soon as you can. It is the food our bodies are designed for, and 99% of everything else is poison to us in some form or other.
If that sounds like I'm pushing raw foodism on people I'm not. Everyone decides for themselves. I just want to make it very clear that I believe raw food is the very best choice for us. Everything else is a compromise- or at best risk taking- with our health.