hey, lily
Rest assured, you are NOT ALONE....
I'm right there with you on many fronts: either been there or am there presently. A year of attempting treatments have left me worse off for the wear: more bed ridden than I have been in the past 9 years of being severely ill.
First off, deal with taking what you need to to take care of your infection. Yes it may set you back with candida but, better for your immune system to deal with one infection rather than two.
Personally, I think the strict diets you have tried have contributed to your situation: particularly the meat heavy...here's why, ammonia gas is created when digesting meat, candida creates ammonia gas to make its environment more hospitable for itself. This makes it easier for candida to flourish while taxing your liver with dealing with the ammonia toxins. So, you are correct, your liver was taxed by the meat/veggie/oil diet. This will set you back. It set me back and I'm still trying to recover the lost ground from two months ago. This may have been what you thought was low blood sugar. I experienced this as well: almost passing out when standing up, etc....However, it could have also been from dehydration causing low blood pressure/levels as well....
What also happens is when you starve the body of carbs, it forces it into ketosis which isn't good. This causes stress. The combined stress of ketosis along with taxing the liver with ammonia and toxins puts the body into fight/flight which drains the adrenals/thyroids. When under stress the body creates cortisol which depletes collagen which effects skin/hair/nails/eyes, etc..... basically a chain reaction....which includes brain fog....thus why it takes much longer to correct than it does to create this reaction.
Does that make any sense? Therefore, I think you are correct in going to a more balanced diet for a recovery period. You've will starve long before making a dent in starving candida. You can't beat any infection while not feeding your body with proper nutrients...which includes supplements like b-complex, biotin, b-12, vit d and trace minerals.
I would suggest taking a collagen supplement. BIOSIL is one I use and it has helped with my brain fog since from my limited understanding the brain is made up of collagen. I know what you mean about not being able to hold a conversation. It's horrible. Did you experience a change in vocal tone as well? How about body temps: high/low?
It's complicated but, rest assured there are solutions as the body wants to get back into balance if provided the environment to enable it to do such. I have heard of several severe cases which enjoyed rapid improvement from enema therapy. The theory being, wipe out the largest concentration of candida within the body = the large intestine - and it gives the body the chance to bring itself closer to balance which then allows the immune system to clear up the smaller concentrations. Some use water, some use bicarbonate soda, some use nystatin and others use MMS. Another forum has a protocol for this if you have interest message me and I'll give you the link.
One case the guy did 8 enemas over two weeks after a chronic condition with an inability to stick to a rabbit food diet and basically can eat whatever he wants now without much concern. He hasn't experienced any set back to date but, he's got the confidence that he can wipe it out in a short duration. Two people using these methods thought their cases were hopeless and after receving the benefit of the enemas are trying to share hope with cases like ours: where hope is vanishing.
You might take a look at This_video ... it's not candida protocol specific but, covers so many topics which effect us all. Basically, to heal we have to understand a wide variety of gut issues which in turn resolves other factors beyond candida and, put a significant dent in candida overgrowth. Many topics we discuss here within this thread. So many body systems come into play, like you suggest: heavy metals, adrenal fatigue, etc........you will drive yourself batty trying to learn all these complicated systems and try to treat them. I'm right there as well......spent months of daily searching and have a hard time understanding it all. This guy cuts to the chase. Basically, our bowels got out of balance creating all these other issues, which then put our bodies into a serious state of ill health which in turn allows candida to take over effecting our bowels that much more. You can't back tract by treating the other issues rather than taking care of the root issue: gi balance.
Remember, God never gives us more than we can handle. Yes, it's difficult. Almost impossible at times. I have spent days praying to either be cured or taken home...basically just end the suffering. So, I do understand where you are coming from: particularly when feeling your worst after sticking to a strict diet only to get worse in the process. It's frustrating, scary and suddenly, all these other symptoms crop up out of the blue. The diets themselves are creating this IMHO. Agreed, diet/nurtition is a key to healing but, extreme diets can not be healthy for long periods. All candida sufferers are already vit/min deficient long before they realize they have candida overgrowth and a restricted diet only pushes it over the cliff while seriously stressing the body which quickly depletes any reserves.
Not sure what else to share/say.....just keep on hanging in there. Spend more time researching/reading/learning and try not to self diagnose which is very easy to do. Just keep learning and eventually, things will make more sense. We are not biologists nor MD's.....it takes time to grasp these complicated body systems and how they all correlate. And, how the gut imbalance started the progression.
Blessings.....and peace be with you....
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