Did anyone noticed even if both partners were faithfull oe of them still got Clamydia?
Is Clamydia therefore a naturally occurring bacteria in control and living in harmony with other bacteria? Did anyone examine the foods you were all eating? did anyone examine you may all using same soap with Anti-bacterial TRICLOSAN which reacted with Chlorine in the water to form chloroform thereby both upsetting the colony balance at the same time reducing human immuity? remember all bacteria, viruses, yeast and fungi have one common genetic program...That is to survive at all cause...as it was their job to bring back waste into it primary mineral building blocks.
Please check not only your sex life...But check your life style and eating habit...you may already acidic...and Clamydia might only just being helpful to bring back the balance of nature?
based on statistics Breast Cancer got 85% of total recovery...the common sense question : THEN WHY MANY ARE DYING?