First off read this- my posts as sam7777
What this is going to point out are some important arguments about the difference between how nutrition causes disease and how environmental pollution causes disease. The two are misconstrued.
There is no way in hell you are ever going to deal with an ENVIRONMENTAL illness by adhering to ANY nutrition program.
What do you think CAUSES liver dysfunction? Do you think you can reactively deal with liver dysfunction and blame it on macronutrient intake and generally apply it broadly epidimiologically to the entire population?
Society has this morbid obsession with the idea that somehow the sementics of macronutrient intake are the sole arbiter of disease epidemiology. They do not take into consideration how poisoned the food is, how poisoned their bodies are, the fact that the reaction to macronutrients is a secondary reaction created by several imbalances in the body as a result of pollution...
Read Micheal Pollans Ominvore's Dillema
Read Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and a Longer Life
by Nora T. Gedgaudas
They took people who had diabetes, etc and put them out in the outback to live off of roots, nuts, berries, kangaroos, twigs, and rough it in the wilderness for six weeks.
They all reverted to being non-diabetic, lost 30 lbs etc.
It was not a macro-nutrient change. It was an environmental change...
You can't be a paleo. You can't do anti-candida. You can't be a fruitarian. If you have as much heavy metals in you that I suspect, you cannot fast it out.
Am I saying that you cannot address the problem by eating a better diet. Not at all. Many people switch to macrobiotic diets, fruitarian diets, fasting, and clean carb diets with great benefits. Of course once you stop eating dairy, high copper foods, high fat foods, sugars, non organic food, cooked foods, wheats and glutens, and all sorts of allergies, you are going to see a giant leap of health improvement.
But what if, just what if? You do have significant heavy metals.
The only two people I have seen who have conclusively gotten better on curezone, are Onwards, and Laughingdogs.
Onwards had lymes, but still had to undergo heavy metal removal with NB.
Heavy metal toxicity is not a small thing. It is second to plutonium. That is it. Only nuclear fall out is more toxic. That is it.
Here is a guy who understands how food actually behaves..
"An Organic Chemist's Perspective on Paleo" by Mathieu Lalonde, PhD