Onwards, the doctor said it looked bacterial but I didn't know the results from the pap smear at that time. I am very scared the Antibiotics will quickly set me even further back, or just knock me off my feet completely. I just feel like I'm too toxic to take more Antibiotics . I read a guy on here has done everything for his health, is 100% better mentally, but still had a diagnosis of Chlamydia (after treating it with rounds of Antibiotics ). I already have the antibiotics filled and it's been sitting at my desk... I just don't have the guts to take it... if I did have Lyme's or any of its co-infections my understanding is that Doxycycline would "wake" it up and have me get much worse. This is what I'm afraid of. I know I need to stop being afraid but not being cautious with things is what got me here in the first place. Who knows, the antibiotics may clear up a lot of symptoms. Everything seems to contradict one another :(