epididymitis / epididymal cyst
Hi, first of all I would like to say great forum! I have learned alot from other peoples input and would like to contribute myself and get feedback along the way.
Symptons: pain to the right testicle and swelling at the top of the right testicle plus some redness on the urethra especially after ejaculation, I have at the moment.
I had Chlamydia about 12 months ago, was tested positive and treated with the two
Antibiotic pills taken once which seemed to cure it. 6 months on something still didn't seem
right so I was tested again but it came back all clear, they also tested for syphilis, gonorrhoea and HIV. All came back clear.
6 Months further on to January 2016, I started to experience the symptoms outlined at the top and it back very irritable and swollen on the right testicle, I went to the
doctors explained above ref Chlamydia and they gave me a 9 day course of doxycycline as they suspected epididymitis. Which seem to clear it up in about 5 days and I was even
cycling and running again.
A week after the finishing the course of doxcycline, the symptoms came back, I read online the bacteria which can find itself in all sorts of places as the tubes in the
testicles can be like a network of caves and it can be hard to completely kill off. I visited sexual health clinic who gave me a 14 day course of Ofloxacin but this slightly
reduced the symptoms but they never went away.
I had a UT scan to reveal I had a epididymal cyst but currently no pain, the doctor advised it would cause no harm and I would have to live with it. It is about the size of a pea.
Currently I have no pain, just a red urethra when aroused, an epididymal cyst and what could be mild prostatis? But this is new to me, I tend to pee a slightly more often and not as much volume. Some slight kidney pain when sat in certain positions. I have read others with similar symptoms on here but more severe. My doctos things its all in my head and doesnt really want to no because I have no real pain.
I have read up on caster oil,
Iodine supplement and Silicia 1M but would like advise please