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Welcome to the New World Order - where the goal is to create a small upper class of the elite serviced by a large servant class of poor, with the middle class virtually eliminated.
As we continue to finance a war to make Iraq safe for big oil (and one has only to look at the numbers on the gas pumps and at the record prices in the financial news to see how much concern big oil has for our fate) and print new money to prop up the economy with stimulus packages we cannot afford, and while we bail out the loan sharks with money the government does not have, the dollar and our standard of living can only suffer. And it will only get much, much worse when the tab finally, inevitably comes due.
Someday we will have to pay that price for our economic sins by lowering our standards of living as our real money is siphoned off to our creditors - China and the international bankers. And then comes the next blows along the wonderful road to a New World Order. And, at every step along the way, the middle class shrinks and the poor, servant class grows.
The next blow, as planned, is the formation of the North American Union (which is proceeding apace inspite of the wishes of our citizens) - where the standards of living of Canada, the United States and Mexico will reach an equilibrium, resulting in a huge downward adjustment to our real incomes and standards of living. What remains of the middle class will likely be mostly the remnants present upper middle class and a great portion of the lower wealthy class who will have a rude awakening when they find out that what their place will ultimately be in the New World Order.
After the North American Union and other planned world unions are formed, if all goes according to plan, it will not take long for everyone to find their place in where the new reality of economics and power of the world is headed - because the final blow will soon come when, just as has been planned and executed right under our noses, various world unions are joined under one ruling body. For what will probably be more than 98% of the world's population, freedoms and money will be few and far between.
Folks, this has been coming for a long, long time. It has been tried and thwarted before, but this time all the right pieces appear to be in all the right places - and one of the biggest pieces of all is the lethargy and ignorance of the American middle class, even as that class dries up around their economic necks.
You must be one of those conspiracy theorists :)
Bush is trying to impose a classic colonial status on Iraq
That argument is going to be a good deal harder to make from next week, when four of the western world's largest oil corporations are due to sign contracts for the renewed exploitation of Iraq's vast reserves
oops - I see Luella May had not logged out. We are temporarily sharing a computer! Arrrgggh - DQ
Four of the western world's largest oil corporations signing contracts for the renewed exploitation of Iraq's vast reserves along with those wonderful photos you posted of the oil pipeline running to and through Israel and protected by our military bases tell us all we need to know about why American soldiers lives and our economy has been sacrificed: Making the Middle East safe for Big Oil and Halliburton and giving Israel control over a huge oil pipeline.
Hey - could you post the link to those photos again?
When and if the ultimate whip comes down, the ruling elite will be but a mere comparative handful. They and their most valued members may number no more than 20,000 or so worldwide. The next level of privilege will be the new middle class - the managers and overseers who make sure that the luxuries and industries of the ruling elite are taken care of. The remaining, greatly reduced population of the world will be the servant class of workers. Communism and socialism have always been the models and Communist China has been THE model.
The clearly stated plans and goals of the New World Order are to have a total world population of about 500 million, which would be a 90 plus percent reduction in the current population level. The main questions would appear to be how are they to achieve such a huge population reduction as well as achieve the "dumbing down" and willingness of the masses to enable the population reduction and insure obedient servility by those who remain?
Forced vaccinations and forced participation by the masses into mainstream medicine and the drug labs of the World Pharma industry come to mind (and make no mistake, those who own World Pharma are part of the planned elite). Perhaps even moreso, the answer may be found by simply looking up - looking past the cameras we see at every intersection and into the sky. Aren't all those plane trails a beautiful site?
Perhaps some of us will be able to escape to the hills and wilds and remain more or less free, at least for awhile - but don't count on it. Individual freedom is not part of the plan. Nevertheless, if you are able to effect such a lifestyle you should. Gold and silver are likely good ideas too, though food and water will be far more precious mediums of trade, if you can hang on to them.
The best idea of all is to wake up and return our government to the ideals of the founders. America is the last great obstacle to the plans of world domination. If only we are not already too lulled to sleep to ever awaken again as a sleeping giant . . . and I fear that the clock is nearing the 11th hour.
I am so sorry that you are experiencing these trust-shattering experiences. You've had some superb advice - ACT ON IT, NOW. Don't wait for "something" to happen or for someone to make the call for you. Call Child Protective Services, immediately, and they will contact the police. A full investigation will be conducted and this will include a physical exam. Retrieve any/all physical evidence that may still exist, if you can.
You're a brave person to put your experiences into words and your courage will see you through this horrible part of your life safely and securely onto your healing path. Something that you may want to keep in mind is that your mother is probably being abused, as well. She may be turning a "blind eye" to what's been happening to you because she's probably been threatened that you will be taken away from her, forever, if she does ANYthing that might get this rat-bastid into prison. This is a threat that many abusers use to make sure that there is no interference in their heinous activities.
Take heart, dear one. As I said, you're very brave and this courage will help you to process all that's happened to you. You did nothing to deserve it, and you're NOT a bad person because this monster did what he did to you. You are not responsible for the actions of another adult. This person did all of this to you because he could - that's the only reason. Now, get on the phone, contact CPS, tell them EVERYTHING, and you and your mother will be taken to safety, and the rotten catfish will be thrown into jail.
My most sincere best wishes to you!
Are you CVD vaxxed? These look quite similar to the clots being found in many others that were. Lots to unpack there.
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