I heard your story JTM14, I dont know how to express my emotions to you. when I read your story, I broke down crying, I am so sorry for what happened to you when you were 14. I am very hopefull that you are okay now. The story got in to right at my heart and I feel for you. I feel sadness, empathy for you. What happened to you is not right and it should never happen to a 14 year old boy. The tress and trauma you went through must been unexpressible. I wish I was there with you at that time and I wish I cold hold you tight, and hugg your very much and never let you go. I hope to to this day, on this day that you are still alive and well. I want to be wth you and hug you and comfort you and everything and anything for you. The horror of reading this story touched me and I have been thinking and thinking about it over and over. I hope you can email me privatly to talk more. I can tell you that your not alone, I was sexually asullted when I was five till I was 7 1/2. I know what you feel and the pain your gong through. The PTSD and Anxiaty is a total stresser. I have depression and I treid to kill myself at least 7 times now. I hope you pulled through this tramatic time in your life and I hope very much that your happier to this day and many days to come. My best wishes and luck to you JTM14.
PS - Please email me to talk more, I would love to chat with you.
PLEASE, describe your own experiences with regard to yourself, and avoid the temptation to "advise" anyone else on what to do, how their parent(s) will feel, what their parent(s) will believe, what they will do, etc. If you experienced denial, dismissal, and disbelief, I am so sorry for you, but it is reckless to make blanket statements and assertions. Make your points with regard to your own experiences in a new thread as this one is over 7 years old.
Using the term, "brainwash" with regard to parents' responses is also dangerous. Not every abusive situation is the same as the next, although there are predictable patterns of behavior and "denial" is often a reaction until the individual has had time to process the devastating information. Human beings are not perfect and don't always respond in a healthy way, but that is absolutely not the same as "brainwash."
If you need to process past experiences, that's "normal" and 100% okay.
Brightest blessings
....is there any way to disable future responses to this specific thread?
Not that the discussion doesn't have helpful dialogue, but this is a very old post and knee-jerk responses often overshadow present and immediate concerns.
Thanks for your time.
I am so sorry that you experienced such betrayals, and it is never "obvious" that anyone posting online is typing from experience.
Did you ever get help? Were you able to engage in counseling therapy to help you to process those events? Did the abuser/rapist ever face charges or were they ever reported? Were you ever able to forgive your parent(s) for their bad decisions? These are questions to contemplate, not really respond to.
Sometimes, things happen to people that never should, particularly children. The dynamics of domestic violence and abuse are very complex and, even for survivors, often incomprehensible as to "why" anyone would allow themselves, or their children, to be so dreadfully harmed. It goes deeper than what we are able to see on the surface.
So, having typed all of that, it might be a really positive option to contemplate engaging in strong and intensive counseling therapy to put these episodes and events into their proper places so that you can go on and live a balanced life.
For myself, I wish that I had done this before I ever had children, myself. It took over half a century of living in a state of absolute misery before I took my first steps on my individual Healing Path. I was angry, bitter, fearful, resentful, and envious as a result of the dynamics in which I was raised - and, subsequent relationships. My decisions were always based upon fear and I wish that I had known more about all of this, earlier on.
Brightest blessings to you