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Re: Please help me! I need advice. I'm a 14 year old boy being raped by my Mom's boyfriend and I can't let her find out but I don't know what to do.
JTM14 Views: 277,866
Published: 15 y
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Re: Please help me! I need advice. I'm a 14 year old boy being raped by my Mom's boyfriend and I can't let her find out but I don't know what to do.

I know I should call the cops. That is something I thought about because then they could put him in jail but do you think they might call my mom a bad mom and put her in jail too? I mean, she didn't even know but some cops say that the mom should have saw the signs. But it's my fault for making excuses and pretending I'm okay. I don't want my mom to get into trouble. And do you think he will go to jail for sure? I'm scared that he might not get jail time and then he could come after us. I am scared to do this but I know it's the only way to make it stop so I will do it but I'm mostly scared about my condition. I think I mainly want to tell my mom and the police just so I can finally go to the doctors to make sure I'm okay. I just know that my mom will be heartbroken though. She cares for this man but I know she will feel so guilty once I tell her but it's not her fault. I think I'm going to go tell my mom today so I can go to the doctor. I'm so scared as to what might be wrong with me because of the bleeding. I'm nervous to tell her(my stomache is queezy just thinking about it) but I know I have to then maybe she will call the cops so I don't have to. I will keep you updated when I can.


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