Re: Please help me!
By 'tone' I meant that you do not sound like a fourteen year-old, boy or girl.
You sound like an adult, JTM.
This website and this forum are open to everyone.
If you are a youngster or an adult, if you are being abused, get out. Get to a policeman and SAY that there is a real chance this man will hurt someone else.
If your mom is any kind of a decent person you have no idea how badly she will feel, in years to come, thinking that you endured this to keep her from feeling bad!!!
The bleeding means that you are wounded.
Get yourself to a hospital. Ask your mother to take you.
They know how to deal with cases like yours. Do NOT concern yourself with other people's feelings. Yours are the only feelings you can handle. You should not go through this alone.
Abusers of all kinds know very well how to victimize AND get away with it.
Most often they control their victims with fear. Don't let him.
Get out of the house, and take your mother with you. Go to the hospital.
Believe me, immediately, all the appropriate authorities will know.
If you are 14, or 44, I wish you well.