Hello, can anyone give me advice please.I have adrenal fatigue - most likely stage 3-4, and I am on some hydrocortisone (15mg). The last 3 months my nervous system has been in extreme sympathetic dominance, and adrenaline non stop. It is hell. I have looked into the adrenal breathing by Dr. Lam but I'm scared I may be making it worse. Can anyone give me some assurance this is something that would be recommended? I cannot afford to work with him at the moment. I sit in a dark room all day everyday coloring in books to try to stay calm. Does anyone have any idea of how expensive Dr Lam is now? If I need to take money out to afford it I will, but in the meantime I'm trying to find ways to calm down. I also need to do the test he recommended first. His website states that depending on the stage you're in it can make it worse - this I don't understand as I thought I needed to calm adrenaline as much as possible? thank you