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Re: Help weird things happening.
Tkroyroy85 Views: 1,458
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Re: Help weird things happening.

Thanks for the response it was an interesting read to say the least. But as to your questions that you were asking no I haven't ate no sushi and never have a sushi so it can't be something from that I would hope not anyway I mean somebody slipped it in my mouth while sleep and I guess I don't know LOL.
as for the raccoon yes there is raccoons around my house where I live there is actually one that comes on my porch every night to seek out trash that it can eat. Also I have a couple dogs and some cats so and they go outside as well so actually as I mentioned in my post before. One of my cats or dogs sorry seems to be going through the same thing that I'm going through because I noticed how boney and scrawny he's starting to look and you know all sunken looking and everything. Last night was kind of bad you know or early this morning I just felt like I didn't want to move like if I moved I was just going to like crumble or something you know what I mean. it's like sometimes I'm scared to get up and walk because I feel like I'm not going to be able to stand I don't know I noticed my like skin will get like especially like where my hands are well the skin on my hands look like get real dry up looking like they're been outside in the cold forever and real red and rashy looking and then all of a sudden they'll just go away period and like my veins will be all spider veiny looking on my legs you know and it's just when this stuff's like wanting to flare up and all that I don't know.
I went to the doctors yesterday and you know they just look at you like you're crazy and try to dismiss everything that you say or have a answer that you don't want to hear. And that's why I didn't really want to go to the doctors because of that reason cuz I've already went to the hospital and they dismissed it you know as I've mentioned in my initial post. I've told you know my friend about it and you know he's got a mental issues as far as like schizophrenia and all that but he's trying to tell me that you know I'm in a state of psychosis or whatever but that's not the case because he sent her saying that well your mind can make you see and do things and hear things smell things that you know you can only imagine. And then I'll be like well I'll show him some pictures of stuff and then that's like dude I'm not seeing this shit ain't you seeing it too and like it's just like everybody always has some kind of like dismissal for it I don't know starting to get on my nerves I'm just about to quit telling people.
Back to my dog you know I noticed you know he's like it too and he used to be not too big but you know for a Chihuahua he was a little bigger than he should be but now he's just like you know smaller than he was just 2 weeks ago and it you know and it seems like this this shit just it kind of like as far as the shriveled upness and the bony looking and the joints hurting and cracking like you said like you got gout you know seem like it just happened overnight like all the sudden like I woke up and like my legs were smaller and I don't know weird looking and all the other stuff was happening. but as far as like being sick is a cold or whatnot I've never gotten a cold or anything like that so we're a fever nothing just you know stuff I've mentioned in a initial post is what's been going on and it's still going on and right now I'm going to take this stool sample for these doctors and see what they can find I guess probably won't find nothing you know or like they everybody says but I'll seek out that one guy that you're talking about and hopefully I can talk to him or find some information on his previous post on what I can do but thanks for reading and hope you enjoy your day bye


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