Skin parasite. Obvious "worms"... "Worms in my Face" ... sinus parasite.... Cutaneous extraction.
Fighting a battle. 10-20 years symptoms (or more). Cutaneous extraction, these come from facial skin, although there are locations at thigh, buttocks, back, and spreading, arms, face neck, legs....
As a licensed esthetician, this is not typical. Also,I can no longer work as esthetician.
Autoimmune & anemic.
Grew up in Southern Oregon forest, ticks galore, lived off untreated well water, swam in freshwater creeks and mud puddles.
Spent time in Mexico, walked in flood waters, swam in freshwaters, developed gastro-intestinal infection. Ate everything, including "sandcrab on a toothpick" ... Since 2004, sores on legs/calves spread all over body. Symptoms increasing.
At the "right time" after applying topical sulfur & various topicals, the sores begin to almost self-extract themselves: bleeding & oozing. A slight tease or loosening of the "attachments" (white-'plugs') the thick, red, intact bodies will begin to purge. If not broken, these teguments can be several
inches long and change in form over the length of the body. I have amazing photos. It is overwhelming to choose which photos to share. My doctor said "skin
parasites are extremely rare".... Who cares if it is rare, if you have it- ya know what I mean????
I have a collection of specimens, probably hundreds, extracted over the last 6 months. I have videos of specimen floating in saline, a plethora of photos, some better quality than shared today. I will work on uploading those.
Thank you.
Video link: