Re: Help! Glaucoma is out of control now & meds made me sick with side effects!
I was on THREE medications (drops) done more than once a day (prospectively); and quit taking the third one.
When drinking enough water every day; when eating as healthy as possible, and doing MUCH
juicing (carrots, etc.); and continuing with my TWO meds and the eyebright, my pressures went down.
I wish there was a way to monitor pressures by yourself, the way you can with HOME blood-pressure monitors to get a clearer, more "live" reading and be able to gauge the causes and effects of lifestyle choices.
I have never STOPPED taking my Rx drops. When I eat less healthy, don't have enough water or stop juicing; or don't get enough sleep, etc, etc, my pressures go UP.
I just know that my eyes feel better using the eyebright than when I don't.
There are many testimonies that are very impressive.