Re: More info about the spincter muscle
Deing to live I appreciate a lot the useful info.
I am for sure constipated(medium),and the loud sounds that I get from my intestines,the irritability and the gassy-bloated feeling indicate IBS.I am not sure I quite understand the things you said about the inner sphincter.According to these,since I am constipated, this should train the sphincter to be strong and not weak?
Also, I always get the feeling of not fully evacuating but on the second time not matter how much I try there is nothing.
The inner sphincter theory is a highly possible one.But since I already have constipation what can I do?
What in fact is the real reason that caused it?(diet,anxiety,
Antibiotics ,a past flu that you suffered,neurogical damage)How could you be born with this problem it makes no sense since I never had it in the past?
Also I dont think it happens over the years just like that,we are all young people,not even old people have this "shit thing" which they are more likely to have!.
Let me ask you some questions(whoever else wants to answer is free to):
Do you have extreme or unreasonable generalised anxiety?
Is your stool hard or soft?(mine is soft almost like toothpaste-they say that's the normal thing provided that they dont float)
Do you ever feel that you are emitting the same kind of feces odor from the mouth?If yes,does it help to drink water or eat something?