if you stop describing your frustration with obscene words. We all suffer, no doubt about it. I come here I am looking for new info and support not obscenities. I agree with dying to live completely. Let's bring to this forum constructive infos and words that build you up, not destructive and negative statements. If you want to say what you are going throught, say it, but plz respect the feelings of others.
A question to you all: Do you have also halitosis?
Now the contribution. Read this site:http://www.sensiblehealth.com/halitosis.html
A portion of the topic:In Chinese medicine, halitosis is believed to be caused by "heat" in the liver and stomach. Since the liver is one of the important organs for the immune system, I believe the "heated" liver probably lowers the immune system and leads to bacterial overgrowth. With my congested liver (which can easily cause "heated" liver), halitosis and painful bleeding gums were my regular problems. People who have their gallbladders removed by surgery or who have gallbladders loaded with
Gallstones are more prone to liver "heat" because of bile congestion in the liver. Women who have bad breath problem often experience an increase in bad breath shortly before and during menstruation. This is another indication that the liver plays an important role in halitosis. The liver is the organ that eliminates estrogens. Shortly before menstruation, estrogens are at their highest levels in the menstrual cycle. The liver has to work harder to eliminate the extra hormones. As a result, any weakness in the liver would be intensified.
I restored my oral health by improving my liver health, by using a special anti-bacterial mouthwash that I made myself using Chinese herbs, and of course by daily brushing and flossing. The bitter and sour tastes in the mouth that often accompany halitosis is known to be a sign of imbalance in the liver and stomach in Chinese medicine. After using the mouthwash for less than a month, my bleeding gum problem disappeared. I also found that this mouthwash helps prevent plaque formation.
An effective antibacterial mouthwash does control the bad breath because it eliminates the bacteria temporarily. However, the liver "heat" may have to be addressed for lasting effect. In Chinese medicine, the herb Chinese Gentian (the main ingredient in one of our herbal products, "Chinese Bitters") is known to be effective in "cooling" the liver and removing the "heat". Our experience did show that the combination of our herbal mouthwash to eliminate bacteria and "Chinese Bitters" to purge the liver "heat" works well for many bad breath sufferers.
A 45-year old woman who had bad breath for years took Chinese Bitters and my herbal mouthwash. After 2 weeks, her bad breath improved significantly. When she did liver and gallbladder flushes a few months later, a fair amount of stones was flushed out. Her bad breath eventually disappeared.
For some people, liver and gallbladder flush after taking Chinese Bitters may be necessary to purge the liver "heat" because apple juice fasting is very effective in cleansing out stagnant bile in the liver. Gallbladder cleansing helps to decongest the liver because bile can be stored in the gallbladder again."
You will find more info in the web.