First off thousands are suffering, just from people veiwing this forum ive received over 20 emails from people suffering that didnt even post here. Secondly ive read countless posts on other forums, third majority of people that are suffering are to embarressed to admit it and look for help,fourth this littlr forum here took me over 4 years of search for research to find. I totally just stumbled across it. What im telling you is doctors will keep saying its in your head because they feel its such an isolated event. They think your the only one suffering.. If the world knew our pain, a doctor somewhere may look into helping us. Id rather the world know that i have a problem that i cant solve then the world to think im just dirty or something. The fact is in this world if you wanna be taken serious you need to be known, and until our problem isknown we will not find a doctor that is willing to take a harder look at our problem.