Yesterday was the final, or purging day of my first liver/gall- bladder flush. In the evening when I was already in bed I noticed a smell emanating from me that smelled the same as the gall stones that I had been flushing out all day. It seemed to be coming directly from my skin but it wasn't because I didn't wash myself. I got up and took a shower and that took care of the problem, so far. My thoughts are that I've been filled up with a lot of toxins for a long time and doing the flush kind of got things stirred up and the toxins started exiting thru my skin. Perhaps something about cigarette smoke is causing your toxins to be drawn out thru your skin (and breath) also. I too would suggest that you start learning about various cleansing and flushing and that when you get cleaned out some the odor will cease. I am sure this is very unsettling to you right now so I am praying (to Jesus) that you will see a quick end to this condition. God bless you, dear, in every single aspect of your life.