I have had this for about six months and I cant take it anymore. not existing anymore has crossed my mind many times because this is no way to live. I am still in high school and my social life is gone. Girls used to like me all the time and now seeing the girls drives me crazy cause they all abhor and despise the mess out of me. You know people think I am embarassed, but I have been past that I just want to get on with my life the way it was. Everybody says take a shower, but if it was as simply as that my problem would be solved Please contact me if you have any insites. CLenching doesnt help and no remedies have helped so I am stumped. insite is highly appreciated. i cant hold up with this thing anymore. I am just a bitter person cause my mother doesnt seem to understand what is going on and I have taken test and they show nothing. life sucks and is not worth anything to me anymore. my email address is badiscu@yahoo.com please, please stay in touch and if you have anything to help tell me. I am James at Redondo High School and I am 17 years old. I dont want to live like this and refuse to, so either i get help or ill take matters into my own hands. I can't take this anymore. Life sucks! Listen if you feel like I do email me everyday cause living alone with nobody to talk to is kill me softly. So many things I want to do in life and not being able to do then because of something like this. THAT IS NOT RIGHT!