Re: Some theories I've went through
Few suggestions here...
#1 people read all the previous posts before posting..
#2 if you honestly believe aliens are causing this, i suggest you visit a mental ward asap..
#3 There is no "Quick cure" understand people, by posting plees for help, that wont accomplish anything. Invest time learning about your health.
#4 visit a dam GNC.. there are so many different things for cleaning out your system, and giving you vitiams and stuff, try different things.
#5 What everyone that post here is missing is that we all have one thing in common... We smell! Think about it were all lonly and sad and so unhappy, there may be no need to be. We can come together as a community.. Think about it people with other illness's come together to converse. For example, "little people" they have convenstions and shit so that they can come together and feel comfortable with there own kind. This may sound funny, but if there is no solution around the corner, these things may become a faint reality.
LOL i think ive given enough suggestions for one night, comments? email me