i am compeletly appalled by some of the respones to this situation. my 7 year old daughter was repeatedly molested and eventually raped by a "church goning, god fearing" 15 year old. his experimenting was not dealt with when he was younger. it was a know situation with some of his family and close friends. his parents thought that it was just curiosity as a growing boy, and now my daughter must live with these thoughts and feelings for the rest of her life. this boy needs serious mental help. i do know that in my state that the confidentiality clause is irrelivant even for a church official when the crimes concern a child. the boy that hurt my daughter is being charged with a felony and will spend time behind bars. but you know, that is very little comfort, knowing what my daughter must have felt. and very little comfort knowing that his parents may have been able to put a stop to it before my child was harmed. PLEASE do not treat this lightly. Imaging a couple years down the road, imagin feeling responsible for your son raping someone when you could have gotten him help.