Re: Sibling molestation
If you have a private family therapist---must it still be reported?
Do you know who his friends are?
Boys at 13, tell eachother all about sex and self-gratification and things, it is like a game at this point. they want to impress eachother with who knows more or did more.
where does he go after school?
does he go to public school?
can you possibly change his school before he becomes too close to these friends?
I say that because I had a very corrupted little friend at 14 and he followed me until I was 23. Always trying to sink my down to his level.
Being raised christian is wonderful, I was too, and went to catholic school for 12 years. BUT it does not prepare children for certain things. Sexuality is good, but molestation is wrong. Intention of love is good, intention of ego is wrong. Not everyone is Christ-like, so even (bad)friends have to be omitted from your life if you want to walk with God. He may think his friends are his real friends and not see them as negative. You telling him he his doing something bad may confuse him about sexuality and think that you are BAd.
Remove the friends. Find new friends--summer is coming, maybe a christian boys summer camp? or space camp/ or
Science camp? something cool for boys.
Try not to make him feel bad. Someone is putting false ideas in his head. he will resent you later for this if you do not have compasion and relieve the guilt.
praying for you,