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Re: Hum... 'Manly' men, or manipulated oversexualized teenagers?
glaxony Views: 2,751
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Re: Hum... 'Manly' men, or manipulated oversexualized teenagers?

I feel concerned about any woman who must assume sexual duty in order to obtain a man's love, and continue to perform it in order to maintain a man's "love"...

It is prostitution, this "I am going to give you sex in exchange for love!"

Personally, I'd rather have some money than the responsibility that comes with that kind of "love"...

Just give me some money please. Then I can enjoy my peace and solitude without having to lay awake at night listening to a man snore, get up tired, change the smelly sheets, wash his stinky clothes, cook for him, wash the dishes if he cooks for me as he makes a much bigger mess than I do, clean up after him in general, run his errands, and obtain his approval/permission in order to buy things...


The number one thing men do to speed themselves to premature impotency is excessive ejaculation. The human body is designed to be sexually active until the age of 100 if it is cared for properly and you pace yourself. You cannot eat as much as you did when you were younger without getting fat. You cannot run as fast as you did when you were younger. You cannot have as many ejaculations as you did when you were younger without causing erectile dysfunction. So you take a pill and keep having sex even though your body is saying, "Whoa there!"

If you were doing Taoist penis massage to make your penis muscle strong and flexible, so you could flex the muscle and insert, you wouldn't need v1agra. This is called a "mature penis"...

Eventually v1agra stops working. It is a lucky woman indeed, who has the stamina to keep performing her sexual duty until that happens. Otherwise she will have to die or be divorced if she cannot do it any more before his sexual energy is depleted. That is how men love women. Women are relieved when the sex life is over. If one can still function, but the other cannot, the functioning one feel justified in having an affair or finding a sexual service provider.

I don't think one person should dictate abstinence to the other, either. I just know sex is a lot more mutually enjoyable when both people would prefer to give it a rest and go without than accept dutiful accommodating sexual relations from the other because there will be consequences to pay otherwise.

It sounds like the two of you have trained each other, and are wiling to extend yourselves in ways that are meaningful to one another. And all that is good. I would agree that you are a very lucky man to have found someone so sexual compatible.

None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free, however. And taking delight in knowing that you have attained the classic sexually addictive barter "I give love in exchange for sex" is worse than a trap. It is indentured servitude. You are very lucky if you happen to enjoy the work. Burnout comes much later then.

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