Re: Women: open to non-sexual relationships?
glaxony That's a bit different than what I'm learning---but for which ever reason, it is absolutely true we need to get our heads out of our collective sex organs And into our spiritual growth. Sex is a distraction of the highest magnitude.
I'm being told we need to have at least 100,000 make full enlightenment in order to have enough folks to protect the 7 or so billion of us currently on world, getting through a energy strip 800 years wide, that is so intense it literally dissolves EVERYTHING, even at the spiritual level.
Which is why the earth doesn't appear even half as old as it really is--the outer surface is literal dissolved off each time. We officially entered it in 2012--and the Mayans didn't know if we'd need a calendar much longer. The first hundred are survivable, but the weather will get worse and worse the deeper we go. So at 95 years the energy will be survivable but at 85 or so, being on the surface will be survivable. We gotta get busy, really!
Anyway this is the third time thru this for humanity---and there may be one more time. I'm hoping not---humanity has gotten so brittle and damaged from these first three times.
It wasn't an experiment though, it's how, when a species makes full enlightenment, the over arching sentiences (who are the real 'god' beings) reproduce. We literally enlighten into baby over arching sentiences bodies. In that form, we will be able to protect humanity taking refuge in those under ground cities they are finding--of course we're going to need to dig quite a few more.
This cycle (about 350,000 years long) is like a warp in the time/space continuum that the overarching sentience and the 'angels' set up to help create more opportunities for us to do that. That is the next big step in our evolution as a species.
But we as a species have multiple handicaps preventing it from being an easy (relatively speaking) transition unfortunately, the primary one being we don't do anything 'hard', unless we absolutely have to. So motivation, which the 'elites' have gotten way too good at, was required.
It's probably going to be a requirement for folks gaining entrance to these refuge cities that they genuinely attempted to make full enlightenment but just couldn't for whatever reason. The lazy distracted ones--nope. 'god' figures we're a better species without those.
But I am not learning sex has anything to do with it---just growing up and breaking addictions, like sex, drugs, codependent relationships, addiction to 'money' and 'power' (spirit violating control over others of all kinds though), etc.