EDIT - Re: yoo-hoo!
Are you familiar with the work of medical
Science that has shown an individual can change genetic expression in certain genes and\or the alleles within that gene within hours of ingestion of a different type of drink or food?
the most notable perhaps, was a group of individuals who all tested genetically positive for cancer... who had changed their diets in a controlled study and just 6 months later showed no genetic *predisposition* for any cancer.
GM free, chemical free, whole food diets BTW.
In other words... we *can* change our genes... and we can reduce and eliminate any familial genetic disease *predispositions*.
Also, if you are not familiar with the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, you should read their papers on
Genetically-Modified foods... and how taking their patients off of
Genetically-Modified foods is their #1 priority in improving their health and well being.
There should be a letter posted on their site where they petitioned Obama less than three months after he took office to order a moratorium on
Genetically-Modified foods (I believe I posted it here when it was originally requested)... their science, and reasoning for it is on VERY solid ground... with the
Science behind this becoming more valid by the day.
That said, as I wrote to Wombat... it is not the genetic change, or *adaptive responses* that are in question per se... these changes will always be occurring as our minds and bodies communicate with, adjust, and adapt to the changes in our environments... The greater issue is the accelerating rate at which these changes are occurring that is causing unprecedented environmental stress that forces genetic mutations at a rate never *known* to have occurred before...
EDIT - this is exactly why people are finding such huge benefit from living, whole foods, both plant and animal... it helps to buffer, or slow down the rate of genetic change through a reduction in environmental stressors, including those in food, water, etc. The larger the effort one makes to be chemical, gm, em, etc. free, the less environmental stress their body must deal with, and the healthier they will likely be.