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Re: Circumcision is good
godservant Views: 9,902
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 415,256

Re: Circumcision is good

How the hell would you know how sensitive a circumcized penis is? you have nothing to compare it to. That's biased thinking if I ever heard it!!! I've never heard a man say, "I wish I had my foreskin back", but I've heard many men say I wish I was circumcized", or "I want to get circumsized" for more reasons than sanitation. I also know men who have been circumcized as adults. Trust me, I would rather have my son done as a baby than see him go through what I know many full grown men have gone through. I had my son done and there was virtually no pain except the pinprick of the anesthesia. Recuperation is a lot faster cause they are growing and healing is much quicker for them than that as a man. Babies also don't get hard-ons the same as a full grown man does so there's that much less pain also. Recup time was five days and he was pain free the first day. A little tylenol the first day and he was fine until it was fully healed.


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