The Circumcision Hoax
Sorry to pop your bubble, but circumcision has no beneficial purpose whatsoever, and it's just a medical hoax / fraud....
An unclean penis smells nasty, just as an unclean vagina smells 3 times worse, and we don't see girls in line waiting for their labia to be removed...(thank God)
Circumcision has no place in a civilized society, as there's nothing that supports any claims to justify such barbaric mutilation...
I am not circumcised, and haven't caught any diseases, nor smells at all...
It's just a wrong assumprionthinking that a circumcised penis is going to clean itself, but it just doesn't happen at all, same as smelly toes, and stinky arm pits, we need to take special care scrubbing these part,s and every other you want to keep clean....
This principle is based on knowledge from the19th century, which has NO solid basis, it's inaccurate and obsolete...
The unclean testicles smell too, and even your neck smells if you don't wash it properly, so that's not a real issue; It seems that the medical community has the perception that God, the creator, or nature made a mistake, and they know better...Actually, the prepuce (foreskin) has a much higher purpose, and many more functions than our eyelids..please read an excerpt from this article on
*****A review of the scientific literature, however, reveals that the actual effect of circumcision is the destruction of the clinically-demonstrated hygienic and immunological properties of the prepuce in an intact penis.
The sphincter action of the preputial orifice functions like a one way valve, blocking the entry of contaminants while allowing the passage of urine.7,8 Ectopic sebaceous glands concentrated near the frenulum produce smegma.9-12 This natural emollient contains prostatic and seminal secretions, desquamated epithelial cells, and the mucin content of the urethral glands of Littré.13,14 It protects and lubricates the glans and inner lamella of the prepuce, facilitating erection, preputial eversion, and penetration during sexual intercourse.
The inner prepuce contains apocrine glands,15 which secrete cathepsin B, lysozyme, chymotrypsin, neutrophil elastase,16 cytokine (a non-antibody protein that generates an immune response on contact with specific antigens),17 and pheromones such as androsterone.18 Lysozyme, which is also found in tears, human milk, and other body fluids destroys bacterial cell walls.
Mass involuntary circumcision has failed to achieve any of the public health benefits its advocates have claimed for it; but even if it had achieved them all, there can be NO scientific or ethical justification for depriving anyone of sovereignty over his own sex organs. Neonatal circumcision violates bodily integrity and imposes on an unconsenting individual a diminished penis for life. In the wake of the Nuremberg trials, it is inappropriate for doctors to persist in performing or advocating involuntary penile reduction surgery on healthy, normal individuals. The totalitarian concept of involuntary prophylactic surgery espoused by circumcision advocates has no place in modern medicine or the civilised world. The key to decreasing the transmission of STDs is education, not amputation.
We need to change these -and others- beliefs, to counteract the dogmatism and false notions imprinted in our brains by the medical establishment, knowing -without a doubt-, it's just a wives' tale, only kept for generating revenue, and nothing else...
Kind Regards