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Re: Circumcision is good
  Views: 10,317
Published: 20 y
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Re: Circumcision is good

>> "I am a girl, and girls don't get circumcised.
>> I know there is a such thing as female circumcision,
>> but I consider that barbaric, and wrong. The vagina
>> has nothing to circumcise. The males penis has a
>> foreskin that will not hurt him in any way if cut off,
>> it will only make things cleaner and better for him."

> Ignorance abounds!

It sure does!

#1 She's confused and contradictory in that she says girls don't get circumcised and then goes on to talk about female circumcision

#2 She doesn't explain why she considers female circumcision barbaric and wrong

#3 She apparently doesn't know what the vagina is and appears to be confusing it with the vulva. If when she's fifty she suffers a full prolapse and ends up with 4" plus of vagina hanging out, she'll learn what it is!

#4 She deems herself to be in a better position than anyone else to make a judgment on a matter which will not affect her.

Not all women are like that, though -- some of us value our own genitals and respect the right of our sons to be protected from unwarranted deprivation of a very considerable proportion of the skin of their penises.


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