Re: Circumcision is good
I am a girl, and girls don't get circumcised. I know there is a such thing as female circumcision, but I consider that barbaric, and wrong. The vagina has nothing to circumcise. The males penis has a foreskin that will not hurt him in any way if cut off, it will only make things cleaner and better for him.
Some men do a good job of cleaning the penal area, but many of them don't. And after just 24 hours they start to smell. An uncircumcised penis does not smell that quickly.
There is virtually no loss of sensitivity, and if things get dry, then some ky jelly, or lotion can lubricate things.
Rarely do adult males want to get circumcised b/c they think the doctor will make a mistake, or they think "why should I?, I've lived with it this long". A male has to be circumcised at a young age, where the parents know what's best for him.
When I have a male child, he will be getting circumcised,I think.
God Bless~