Re: Circumcision is good and can be bad!
>How I find, that the Holy sinless Virgin Mother of Jesus,
> had her son circumsized.
>And then ones who follow christ are against it? Should we
> not follow him? He was a Jew? He was born from the tribe
> of Judea? I didnt think so, he was sent to the Children
> of Israel, but not strictly Jewish, yet followed the Law
> sent by Moses ( which was Gods Law).
Yes, but even from a religious point of view, the question would be whether the Bible requires it NOW.
> Severe cutting is outrageous and most Dr.s cut way too much.
A valid point. The circumcision of the Old Testament took away much less of the foreskin and certainly didn't tear the skin away from the glans at all but simply removed the unattached part of the foreskin.
> This is not a subject where most find appealing. Yet wasn't
> it Moses who got instructions from his Lord at the ripe age
> of 80+ and he performed this on himself?
> There is a reason for this, and is a test to test people with.
> If you see something you disagree with than seek to find wisdom
> and truth about it. There is always a reason for something, and
> there is always somethings we may not understand. We dont know
> why there is a devil? Why? Or many devils for that matter, or
> parasites, or bacteria, or sickness, or the pain of childbirth,
> or bleeding, or hard work, or injury, or disease, misery, etc.
> Yet there is a wisdom we dont know about behind it all.
But you must still come back to the question of whether this should be considered relevant even for Christians, when the New Testament indicates that it's not required at all. And there's the further question of why it's practised by people with no religious convictions.
> In the U.S. I have no Idea why its prevalant.
Nor have I -- unless it's a heavy Jewish influence on the medical profession
> Is it becuase it is religiously backed? Because I dont see the
> Dr.s making a lot of money , since in hospital insurance pays
> for it. I think I need to study that and than give an answer
> perhaps in the future, thanks for the idea.
I still think there's a very real question as to why it should be prevalent in the US but not in other Western countries.