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People...learn the difference between male and female circumcision
godservant Views: 10,273
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 415,252

People...learn the difference between male and female circumcision

I think everyone on this site so far is completely ignorant of the difference between male and female circumcision. Learn the facts before you speak. Female circumcision is an invasive operation that consists of cutting off the complete clitoris on the female. Practiced predominantly in places like India on Married women to prevent the female from experiencing any pleasure from sex and therefore has no desire to cheat on their spouse. The male circumcision was God ordained dating back to Abraham in which it was explained exactly how the circumcision was to be done. Today we have much more humane ways of circumsizing our sons with the use of anesthetics. The male equivalent of female circumcision would be to completely remove the head of the penis where the sensitivity nerves are. There are many places that still have circumcision, predominantly of Jewish decent. It is used elsewhere in the world because of the proven effects it has on the rate of infection caused by keeping the skin intact. We obviously found benefits from it at some point in time for the Gentiles to take on the practice themselves. Not just for religious purposes.


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