Re: Circumcision is good
Circumcision is barbaric.
It is done without anesthesia because a 1day old boy has no immune system.
It is the most painful thing in the world for an infant.
My friend had her son circumcised and the baby let out a blood curdling scream and then passed out.
You sign off with Godbless. If God would have wanted men to have no foreskin they would have been born that way. Think of what you are saying. Ask the nurses who are present when this is happening.
When a baby has a vaccine do you hear it crying? Is is only a tiny invasion fo the skin. Cutting off a part of its body is inhumane. Just imagine not having eye brows, eyelashes, nose hair. They are there to catch all the impurities before they enter the body.
Also the foreskin is vital for intercourse.
Do a research on Google about it. Please do not do this to your child. YOu will regret it.