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Re: Circumcision is good and can be bad!
  Views: 10,051
Published: 20 y
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Re: Circumcision is good and can be bad!

How I find, that the Holy sinless Virgin Mother of Jesus, had her son circumsized.
And then ones who follow christ are against it? Should we not follow him? He was a Jew? He was born from the tribe of Judea? I didnt think so, he was sent to the Children of Israel, but not strictly Jewish, yet followed the Law sent by Moses ( which was Gods Law).

Severe cutting is outrageous and most Dr.s cut way too much.

This is not a subject where most find appealing. Yet wasn't it Moses who got instructions from his Lord at the ripe age of 80+ and he performed this on himself?

There is a reason for this, and is a test to test people with. If you see something you disagree with than seek to find wisdom and truth about it. There is always a reason for something, and there is always somethings we may not understand. We dont know why there is a devil? Why? Or many devils for that matter, or parasites, or bacteria, or sickness, or the pain of childbirth, or bleeding, or hard work, or injury, or disease, misery, etc. Yet there is a wisdom we dont know about behind it all.

In the U.S. I have no Idea why its prevalant. Is it becuase it is religiously backed? Because I dont see the Dr.s making a lot of money , since in hospital insurance pays for it. I think I need to study that and than give an answer perhaps in the future, thanks for the idea.



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