Re: Circumcision is bad
> evidence suggests that length is lost,
Quite apart from the fact that the length of the foreskin is gone and that can be a significant amount.
> many men have a feeling of tautness down there for the rest of their lives
I wouldn't know about that, but it's a pretty brutal butchering job.
> and it looks wierd
I agree with you -- but most women in the US have never seen an intact male so don't know what it does look like naturally. And if they do see one complete with foreskin, they think it's strange just because it's different.
> and like it is definatley 'missing' something
It certainly is, if there's no foreskin there. My husband has a good
inch of foreskin beyond the end of his glans and I think it looks both impressive and complete. And bearing in mind that the foreskin is doubled, that's a very large proportion of the skin that's naturally there on the most sensitive part of a guy's body. So why do so many parents remove it routinely from their sons?