Takes alot to get you to open up!
Like I said, I will avoid the religion discussion. But I will respond to a couple of things. If you recall, I was raised catholic. I also have a very catholic mom who taught only that. On top of that, my relgious ed teachers never moved past Moses (ever). There are those, like me, who are discovering in adulthood that their teachers didn't teach them very well. Even those of us who are still christian have had the worse side of teaching given, like the avoidence or ignoring of things that I recieved.
Now about the anger. You cannot change anyone else. You cannot make them feel sorry, make them pay, or make it so that they feel the same pain you do. The only person you can change is you. Of this I speak from experience. You need to deal with this anger from within yourself. This means recognizing the initial emotions that triggered the anger in the 1st place. One psychologist calls that tagging. Then you need to move on to find a resolution for yourself, obviously confrontation isn't going to help (you tried that). This requires taking it one by one and dealing one by one. One, that you meantioned, is the preacher. Following the partten shown to me, what feelings did his abusive sermons first evoke? What personal experiences evoked emotions of any kind? Then deal with those emotions. Anger is the blanket that hides the real emotional issues. We have all had these type of damaging experiences, and we all have the anger. Some of us have never learned how to deal with it properly. Or perhaps many of us haven't. Either way, it's what's hurting inside of you that needs dealing with. As someone who is just now figuring out the cost of held in angers and hurts I can tell you that changing how you work on it means everything, including your health.
I have striven to be respectful of your opinon while giving mine. I, although a christian, am not the source of your pains. Certain people whom you were around are that cause. Do not take out your anger on someone simply giving, and recieving, a different point of view. There are many sides to every religion, not just christianity.