Re: Don't keep trying, just try to find peace!
I sort of believe the same about prayer. I get more from just speaking to God (the Creator) then a formal prayer. There is a "prayer" that I say that is sort of free form that I call my "thank you prayer" it's very reasuring for me. I also follow the concept of a God with no gender, but that doesn't go over well with a lot of people. In my own minds eye I see God as no gender, and all colors. Sort of a pure white light. I like the idea of Father because it comes the closest (with words) of the loving creator that cares for us all. The closest comparison is that of a parents, which is hard if a person hasn't a loving parent figure.
Would you believe that according to Jesus (I don't remember what book) that heaven is being in the presence of God and hell is the absence. That might come from that gnostic texts. My memory for those details has never been that good.
I have read the gospel of Thomas, am rereading it right now actually! His words have a power to them. I also have the gnostic bible. Those readings give me a sense of the 'church' as it was in the beginning. For those early believers it truly was what Jesus said, wherever two or more are gathered in my name there am I. My dream is of a true worship service like that. Even though I haven't a clue as to how to go about it!
My husband and I want to make a tv show about healing through alternative means (and traditional). Our working title is "Quiet Miricles". That's how we want to enrich our world, through healing of others.
Feel free to email me, I'd love to be e-mail pals!