Re: I found out what Morgellens is!
i thought to have an idea what you mean, but probably not. sorry.
the wounds
im not sure if i understood what you mean. does it mean, the 1mm wounds are dotted every 2,5 - 4
cm in one line along a blood vessel? that would sound like bedbugs, imo.
faik, such dotted lines are unusual for blood-feeding arthropods: they feed once, then move on.
the tunnels
there are worms that burrow under the skin, but these lines seem RED and heavily curved.
e.g. Hookworm (larvae are IN blood vessels), strongyloidis may burrow too, but not sure.
i would think the straight WHITE tunnels are burrowing arthropods.
the wounds are feeding wounds from arthropods.
could be the same, could be another one.
tea tree oil is supposed to help very well.
imo, permethrin and frontline (etc) are a waste of money. fatty creams or waxes for closing any holes (myiasis) may be outright bullshit, imo. i found mineral oil jelly better than other of this stuff.
top-notch imo is: rubbing alcohol and topical turpentine. may a bit burn some 60 mins. next time its better already.
you could in addition sprinkle it over your hair/scalp.
there is some dog-soap. its blue and from bayer (bayopet). would love to get it again, for washing hair too.