Hello I have been going thru exactly the same thing. Been told the same treated the same and all I can think about is ending my life but that is not what I will ever do. I'm sorry for you but so glad im not crazy. I hate my home everywhere I look I see these black specks and dust type things. All my appliances break down or become clogged with this crap. I see it all in my lint from the clothes dryer. It is in my drains they are constantly blocking then spewing this stuff back into the sink or bath. I'm now coughing them up they are in my stools my skin is totally covered and I'm constantly in hospital from one inaction or another from cellulitis that I very nearly died from recently kidney infections eye infection pleurisy I'm only 38 and have two daughters I can't give up but I'm at a loss. I would love to know if you have made progress with this yourself. I sincerely hope you have. Stacey x