Re: you're on the right track
Thanks for the recognition. Both me and dvjorge are completely cured of candida but I sometimes visit because I remember how difficult I struggled with it and I know medicine as practiced by AMA doctors don't even acknowledge it as a problem except in some AIDS patients.
The enemas help greatly in attacking yeast where oral antifungals rarely make it: the colon. I can attest to the value and efficacy of nystatin enemas.
S.B. is a non-pathogenic yeast that out competes and hence replaces candida. But since it is a yeast, you never want to use it in conjunction with antifungals.
My breakthrough occurred long into my treatment when the yeast was greatly reduced by diet, antifungals + biofilm busters, and enemas. I was taking high potency probiotics, both lactobacillus and bifidobacteria strains, and I added a prebiotic (lactulose) which is food for the probiotics. This growth of friendly bacteria occurs mostly in the cecum (upper large intestine), precisely where the hardest to treat yeast problem exists. Lactic acid is a product of probiotc metabolism which creates an environment favorable for the benign spore form of candida and unfavorable for the pathogenic hyphael for which causes leaky gut. I could not immediately return to a normal diet but after a couple of months I wad able to slowly reintroduce forbidden foods to my diet.
I am now cured and can eat anything. I do not advise anyone to start with taking prebiotics. They can cause problems if taken before the yeast problem has been greatly reduced and without high potency probiotic supplementation.
I hope this helps someone out there.