Angular Cheilitis Cure
I have been on the internet for two-plus weeks now, trying to tackle this problem. I've had this angular cheilitis since Thanksgiving and it is now Jan. 19. My dermatologist gave me a sample prescription called LUZU and it made everything worse.
I stopped using that & bought Micatin at the drugstore (anti-fungal w/miconazole). Nope, didn't help. Then I tried Lotrimin AF (w/clotrimazole) and it worked somewhat, but very short time....a couple of days. Yesterday, Jan 18, 2015 I found this site and saw your remedy. Immediately put it to use and WOW!!! By last night I could already see a difference. This morning it was even better and by 1pm it's still improving. I used Joy dish washing detergent and immediately put Aquaphor ointment (Vaseline-like) all around my lips and inside the mouth in the corners......nothing else.
Repeat every three hours or so and right before bed. I can't begin to thank you enough for this solution and also thank whatever star led me to find this site. It's so simple AND inexpensive....who knew!??!I hope it completely cures it, but at least for now I don't look so scary!! I also hope other sufferers find this.