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As medically proven that menstrual cramps mostly occurred because of contractions in the uterus. It is muscle and if it pressed strongly during the menstrual cycle it block the supply of oxygen to the uterus. And this further leads to the extreme pain and cramping. You can get lovegra online if you want to overcome from the painful situations.
It sounds like we're going through the exact same thing!!! I've had it for about 4 months now and at first was putting a lot of trust into my doctor and the gels he would prescribe. They work for about 2 or 3 weeks then it comes back. I've been taking Fem Dophilus and thought at first it was helping but.... it's pretty obvious now that it isn't. I've been thinking about doing the hydrogen peroxide thing but read from different people that it causes yeast infections... I'm scared to douche because of that as well. Drinking lime juice diluted with water and a plain dan active yogurt daily was also something I read and may try. My relationship is going south very quickly and I'm more and more depressed. I know I"m going to lose him if this doesn't get figured out... we'v e only been together 6 months!!! 4 of which we've been dealing with this. If you have found something that is working for you, please let me know.
Thank you,
You said it can cause an embolus. Can you elaborate upon this? Does this mean it is better off done in the clinic? Also, I e-mailed back and forth with Saul Pressman, and he said I should be fine if I follow the instructions for vaginal insufflation. Do you have any comments with regard to this statement?
Even if air is blow in to the vagina it can result in an air embolus. I have heard of cases of this happening with vaginal ozone insufflation as well. Some people claim that ozone cannot cause an embolus because of the lack of nitrogen. I disagree. If you can form bubbles in a glass of water you can form bubbles in the bloodstream. There is also a good reason why IV and IA ozone injections are given at such as slow rate. Again you do not want to cause an embolus.
The increase in breast size sounds like maca. They learned about it in Peru from animals eating it and being more reproductive. I have been making money for 8 years as a distributor for a company selling herbal combinations of wild growing herbs from the Amazon rainforest.
The maca grows in the Andes mountains and is loaded with vitamins B1, B2, B12, C and E. Also contains steroidal glycosides.
But your problem with menses is very, very, very, very common in our world of pollution, stress and medications especially if you ever took bc pills. Also the hormones in the meat and some plastics have an effect on female hormones and is making puberty in girls happen at younger ages. Many girls start menstruating at 9 years old now!
We have an herbal formula that contains suma (containing plant sterols and is similar to maca), maca and muira puama. It is our anti-aging product and does wonders for women going thru menopause and post-menoopause.
Maca is known for energy, longevity, fertility and supports healthy sexual function. The same with suma and muira puama promotes a healthy nervous system and healthy sexual function. The sex glands are part of the the endocrine system which produces hormones and so is the main thing for longevity.
You can see this webpage about how diet affects menstruation with link to scientific study and how vegetarian diet fits in.
Then you can see vegetarian page for nutrients you may be missing. Then on the home page about healthy diet and losing weight it tells how Americans are dying from way too much protein in their diet. Even has link to American Heart Association saying not to eat more than 6 ounces daily of meat, fish or poultry.
Also fat loss tip # 11 has links to 2 articles by 2 female MDs saying that bc pills can cause yeast infections, obesity, depression, infertility, strokes and breast cancer. At the bottom of the page it has a link to my site with the herbal products. I have been taking that formula with maca everyday for 8 years except when I fast. Five months ago I fasted for 22 days drinking only pure water. Fasting is best thing for anti-aging. Maca is good for you. Pollution, drugs (medications--like Vioxx), genetically modified foods, foods with pesticides and irradiated foods are bad for you.
Hi tigerlily,
There are several causes of vaginitis:
1. Candida.
2. Bacterial infection.
3. Trichomoniasis - a sexually transmitted disease.
4. Non-infections vaginitis which is caused by an allergy to sprays and douches.
To start off, I would suggest colloidal silver. Colloidal silver kills one-celled pathogens, even those becoming resistant to antibiotics. It is also effective against candida, should that be the cause.
Other remedies are:
Drink cranberry juice daily. Make sure it is 100% cranberry juice and not some type of cocktail.
Wear white cotton underwear and make sure that it doesn't contain any residue from detergent.
Avoid tight clothing.
Proper hygiene is of utmost importance and when wiping, make sure you go from "front to back."
Regular soap removes natural oils from the genital area that makes it defenseless against germs. For all my bathing needs, I use colloidal silver soap and skin bars, which also contain aloe vera. The colloidal silver contained therein will help prevent infection. You can get both the soap and the best quality colloidal silver at Curezone Sponsor's By the way, they have arranged for a special discount fur curezone members and by using their coupon code LR001, you will receive a 15% discount on all of their products if they are not on sale.
Other good remedies are:
Have 8 oz of yogurt daily.
Soak plain tea bags in water, then cool in the refrigerator. You can apply this to the external area and it should prevent itching.
One last suggestion. Because of your history, see if this pain could be psychological.
My Best,
Bless your heart, tigerlily, this type of hurt can mar someone's life, especially if the abuse was in childhood. It may not hurt as much anymore, because you may have built up outward defenses, but the thing is, it still hurts, and it may be affecting you physically.
I would first make sure that the discomfort doesn't have a physical source. If it doesn't, I would suggest counseling and working on resolving this emotional pain. By your words, I would indeed suggest counseling regardless of the physical source. I can almost feel your pain from here. Healing from these types of issues are not always easy, as they cut deep into our soul, but healing is very possible. It just may take some time.
I wish you my very best,
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