Re: Battling Bacterial Vaginosis
Dealing with this seems as if there will never be a solution. My routine is that I have been using dove unscented soaps to wash with ONLY letting it sit for a minute and careful to only let it sit on the outside, following up with apple cider vinegar diluted in water (in a squirt water bottle) to RINSE with...always rinse clean with water. I NEVER douche and this is an ongoing process, I have a daily routine and it comes back when I stop or have my period/sex/ovulate. I have been working with my doctor to find a routine and solution. mostly now I wear only Cotton underwear; take daily: Rephresh pro-biotics, AZO homeopathic yeast tablets, and triple strength cranberry pills from natures bounty. I also drink cranberry juice--sugar free, lemon water, and plain water throughout the day. Eat spinach, kale and blueberries (I make a smoothie)...its about balancing your diet. What you use internally and externally can throw your PH level off and ruin your fresh feeling. Sex is almost non existant and is super painful. I almost have anxiety because I worry this is going to reoccur or that everyone can smell it. It makes my SKIN CRAWL!!
I also think that high
Sugar diets and stress aggravate the issue. Definitely do not believe that this is one issue limited to "down there" but one that is affecting the entire body. I believe that it is also contained in my throat area as well and my doctor refuses to follow up or investigate. I am thinking of visiting a specialist and/or NHS genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic to get help. I am resistant completely to any of the medication and
Antibiotics and have been dealing with this for years. It is embarrassing and scary-- I don't want to have future complications such as PID or Cancer or STD's from having this condition and being that it is reoccuring...I feel in my heart that it is BV with an underlying condition...All STD tests come back negative. My doctor assures me that this will not be the case (PID/Cancer) because I am vigilant and proactive in dealing with and maintaining this issue and STD risk is only high during an infection since it makes it easier to catch things. I do believe that BV is certainly aggravated by condom use and/or other bodily fluids such as semen or saliva coming in contact with "down there" and that it could be specific to certain traits and products that men use. I was told that since I have a different strain of this condition (resistant to medications) that I will most likely deal with this for the rest of my life. That sometimes there is no cure that it is just maintenance from here on out. I refuse to settle or believe that. Especially since I have no history of STD's at all. and since the first time of using the supplements with the unscented soaps and acv rinse that I notice a difference within an hour. This is utterly embarrassing and a pain in the ass. I have started going to counseling for this. Absolutely ridiculous. The doctors tell me that it is most likely triggered by a hormone imbalance. I plan on trying to Keep an open mind and stay strong, this will be definitely something that can be managed and ultimately cured with time and attention. I dont believe doctors are on the same page and need to get it together to help us before we have a serious epidemic. I strongly believe that BV is something that can be passed around. Not enough is known about the transmission or causes of this condition. Sex is not the only trigger of this condition but it sure makes it worse.