dentists lie to cover up their lies - fluoride and mercury kill
either knowingly or by mindlessly parroting their industry drivel.
fluoride CAUSES brown teeth. brown brittle teath IS fluoridosis, the very condition first noticed in a town in colorado with a natural fluoride content in their water. the other thing they noticed - no cavities. so the ada, in their omnipotent wisdom, declared a safe thereapeutic amount of fluoride in water that would prevent carries but would not induce the other effects of fluoridosis.
nowadays, there is over ten times more fluoride in one kids school lunch than in eight glasses of "optimally fluoridated water". add to that all the stainmaster textiles, household cleaners and lubricants, hot showers(ten minutes is like drinking eight glasses of the water content) and teflon coatings in cookware, and it is no wonder teeth are brown and break easily and, brains are dull, moods are down, and thyroids stop functioning. fluoride is also a known carcinogen.