Re: update!! sign in.
Hey Molly - here are my answers:
Q: What kind of oil are you using?
A: SAFFLOWER and SUNFLOWER. Remember I accidentally bought the safflower thinking it was sunflower? That's what I get for not taking my post-it note in the store! (chuckling!). So now I alternate.
Q: How often and for how long?
A: At least 5 days a week and for 20 minutes on the nose.
Q:Have you noticed any changes in your physiology or dental health? Good and bad please.
A: Why YES! I have noticed that teeth are whiter and gums are stronger. Also, I noticed that stomach no longer burns and much less GERD. I am assuming that it's helping clean out my sinuses, hence, not draining down to my stomach and helping with my digestive trac. Less coughing.
Q: Did you change your oil at anytime, and why? (I know, you are not a car)
A: See question numero uno (number 1). My next flavor will be sesame.
Q: Did you turn anyone onto Oil Pulling, and what do they think?
A: As a matter of fact, I just did yesterday. I stopped in to see my holistic skin care specialist, who is incredibly organic\holistic (the chick should go on tour with all her knowledge!), and told her about oil pulling so another convert on the way. I gave her the address and the address to read about it. Her eyes lit up when I was explaining it and trust me when I say she will spread this info like wildfire!
Q: Do any of you participate in other forums spreading the Oil Pulling word, and would you like company?
A: I have mentioned it on the other forums in but not on other forums outside. If there are other forums to spread the word then please advise.
Your "oily" Pal,
North Coast Man