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What kind of oil are you using?
I have tried sunflower but use sesame now because I use sesame for my daily self massage. Just easier to use the one product.
How often and for how long?
Daily. I was swishing for 20 minutes and then learned from
Andreas Moritz that short 3-5 minutes are best so you don't reabsorb the toxins, ...then I read here, you should pull till it gets thin or you are wasting the oil. Being the frugal one I am, that made since to me. I set the timer for 20 minutes, but spit it out when it gets thin. I am tempted to try olive oil, but like some of the others,
Liver Flushes have turned me off to the taste of olive oil!
Have you noticed any changes in your physiology or dental health? Good and bad please.
My teeth and mouth feel much cleaner as a result of oil pulling. I think my gums, which were receding, have improved. I have done so much to improve my health in the last nine months that it is hard to pinpoint what the improvement was due to. I never was in bad health, but had put on extra weight and was battling depression. I have just turned 50 and look and feel better than I have in 20 years.
Did you change your oil at anytime, and why? (I know, you are not a car)
I have only tried the sunflower and sesame because that is what the protocol called for.
Did you turn anyone onto Oil Pulling, and what do they think?
I have shared oil pulling with everyone who will listen. My parents jumped right on the bandwagon and are spreading the word. My niece and her husband have recently started and are excited about it.
Do any of you participate in other forums spreading the Oil Pulling word, and would you like company?
I learned about OP in the
Master Cleanse Forum . I don't spend much time on other forums, but come back here periodically to keep inspired.
PS. I'm editing my original post. After writing this I kept reading posts, and came to the one from Just D about her experience with olive oil. I just tried it for the first time. I am very excited about her results and am going to switch to olive oil for the next week or so to give it a try. The taste is not pleasant to me, but I learn to love what loves me, and will give it a fair try. Thank you Just D for your informative post!