Re: update!! sign in.
Hi Molly:
I use coconut oil. I love Tropical Traditions.
I do it (oil pulling) 2-4 times a day while I am on the computer at home. Although now I am doing
The Master Cleanse so I am not pulling. Been pulling about five months.
The only changes I have noticed is that my teeth are smooth when I rub my tongue across, my sensitivities have disappeared, and my teeth don't stain (although they haven't gotten whiter yet, I think, I should have taken a picture).
I tried organic (expensive and cheap) olive oil. I am not crazy about the smell. I think that is from doing so many liver flushes. Also, the sesame oil it terrific, but I can't get organic here (on a military base in Japan), so I shy away from it.
I have told a few people; I don't know if they have tried it.
I look at alot of other forums, but have never suggested it. Never seemed to answer and question being asked as far as I could personnally respond to.