Re: Juicing free download for important book and other info
I wanted to post this as it may help someone prevent or help kidney problems.
I was reading a book by Professor Arnold Ehret called Mucusless diet healing system.
Ehret was a brilliant man who did many experiments and came to the conclusion that the natural diet of man was fruits (raw or cooked), greens, and above ground veggies.
He and his disciplines achieved perfect health on this diet to almost unheard of levels.
A women disciple of his spoke of some of the changes to her health on this diet from health she considered good already having been a vegetarian for years.
Some of those I still recall though I have not read that part again for at least 20 plus years were her skin became as soft as a baby, she had more pep than when a child, all kinds of small things got better, she had a much pep after 8 hours on her feet working as a waitress all day as when she arrived, she could walk up steep hills that others had to rest frequently barely noticing it was uphill with no hard breathing at all and her entire personality changes..she became peaceful, calm, happy, kinder etc so much so that all she came in contact with mentioned this huge emotional and personality change in her. She talked of three incidences were huge amounts of mucus came up as Ehret said it would before his perfect health level surpassing most could be reached. This generally happens as the mucusless diet removes mucus from the diet causing many diseases.
It was the earliest book on health but one I recall reading decades ago. Ehret was born in the 1800s and died from a fatal accident in 1922 but was a forerunner to the raw food diet I would say.
Well having a current health challenge I pulled this book out again, Having seen stutterer Larazo, a contestant on American idol, I stopped to reread a part the book had on stuttering and curing it.
Most of Arnold Ehret's book are found free online here
Its on page 40. If interested, read more of his books as I am not sure if more info is found in his other books but reading them should give you more knowledge of how he healed several people of this. Dr christopher's Dr Schulze's teacher was a big proponent of the mucusless diet (though his seemed more liberal than Arnold's and Schulze was insistent of juice fasting and raw foods.
Ehret says the kidneys (and liver)are very spongy organs and they are sort of like a sieve and thus easily constipated by sticky mucus so getting that mucus out should be very good for the kidneys. also adding the acid binding (or mucusless) foods can counteract the highly acid body and foods some.
this chart is starts on page 105...if they happen to also be one of the foods that help the kidneys I listed earlier. all the better.