16. foods that help the kidneys and also herbs for the kidneys (bottom)
vegan diet and for the very ill
juicing fasting 30 or more days
alkaline diet(ph should be have 7.5) see * below
note: if you know little about nutrition stat shopping in health food stores, coops and farmers markets--that alone will improve your diet even if you know nothing and learn more by reading
Foods that are useful for kidney, bladder and urinary problems are asparagus, beet roots, black eyed peas hulls, carrots, cherry juice, cornsilk teas, cranberries, garlic, onions, parsley, radishes, sage tea and water melon."
Foods of special benefit are fresh vegetable juices, including wheat grass and other grasses and leaves with plenty of parsley and celery, also dandelion leaves if available, green beans and bean pod tea, cucumber, horseradish, lemon juice, fenugreek,
Watermelon and banana. If available frequently have a small amount of Jerusalem artichoke about the size of a hen's egg. Preferably go for several months on a raw vegetable and fruit diet.
Some of the foods which diuretic properties (see step 29 for more on diuretics)
artichoke, cayenne, celery, chicory (roots are used as a coffee substitute), flaxseed,Jerusalem artichoke, onion (lithotriptic, mustard (greens, peaches, pumpkin seeds, saffron, sassafras tea (do not overdo this),strawberries, and horseradish
horseradish (take Schultze's plague tonic once in a while mix these in a blender--hottest cayenne, hottest onions, hottest garlic (lots), fresh horseradish root (grate and chop first so it will not break blender or use a vitamix and raw apple cider vinegar (brand like spectrum or braggs) blend and eat like applesauce or strain and take the tincture. This is supposed to knock out a cold and so many viruses and bacteria)
of special help is kidney bean pods
07/13/2008: Tan Koon Peng (tankoonpeng@hotmail.com) from Singapore writes: "Kidney beans pods is one of the most effective food for curing kidney and bladder trouble.It is also effective for dropsy caused by heart disease and other ailments. Kidney blockage of long duration were also total cured and bleeding from any parts of the urinary system was quickly stopped.Stones and gravel were rapidly dissolved and did not return. Diseases of the bladder and ureter were cured.Rheumatism and acute gout were also cured. For some lucky people their diabetes were cured for good. Patients with inflammation of kidneys and bladder with pus in their urine were also cured.Total swelling all over the body were also solved with only kidney bean pods water.
Kidney beans pods water must be freshly made and consumed within 24 hours otherwise it will cause diarrhea. Only the pods of the kidney bean were used as the kidney bean were not useful for kidney and bladder problem.
To prepare the kidney pod,boil 2
ounces of the pods slowly in 4
quarts of hot water for 4 hours.When the pods is ready,filter the solution through a fine muslin slowly and carefully and leave it in a cool place for 8 hours. After 8 hours filter the solution through muslin slowly and carefully again as too much fibers in the solution can cause intestinal upset.The solution is ready now.
remember vx's suggestion to go on an all fruit diet perhaps doing this later after some improvement is noted on the incurables..it is currently the 3rd post on here in the 5th stage thread. Her kidney function improved on 6 months of fruit only (she ate regular foods once a week-see her post for more)
In my view and experience (says the person writing the article, India.Magica , the pH should be around 7.5. The pH is the measure of acidity or alkalinity. One can get a roll of pH paper from a health food store (around $12, less on the Internet), and measure urine and saliva, several times a day. The result should always be 7.5, no matter what one does or eats.