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1. most important--do Dr Richard Schulze's incurables program
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1. most important--do Dr Richard Schulze's incurables program


Dr Richard Schulze 's incurables program though this message is too long and was truncated..please read it all as it is most important of all

here is a summary of the incurables program


*Do Dr Richard Schulze 's incurables program do not leave any steps out. If you do or pick and chose, the program may not work..this has been the case with others. when they went back and did it as written and all parts, it has worked.

contact me for more info on the save your life videos or the incurables program

*********************additional info******************

*******************Juicing fasting********************************

*.do juice fasting for 30 days or you get better, you might then go to a vegan diet with lots of juicing and do shorter fasts..if worsening, go back to longer fasts.

* During the juice fasting (see recommended juices below) only consume the fresh juices (you can once in a while have bottled 100% sure to chew the juice and drink it all within 15 minutes,

*********teas and water and more on juice fasting************

teas and water--besides the teas in the incurables program..make as directed, herb teas especially ones good for the kidneys like parsley, corn silk (not recommended if on dialysis according to one website below), Watermelon seed tea, juniper, and so forth (be sure to use steam distilled water for the teas as it is empty and will pull more of the healing pytochemicals from the plant/herb), a good water I feel reverse osmosis as some are saying exclusive distilled water is not good but that is up to you), potassium broth (see his patient handbook linked at the bottom for the recipe), the superfood and nothing else but the tinctures and supplements and fresh garlic at least three cloves a day. I find if I felt very hungry that eating the potassium broth hot would help a lot.

do not worry that you will not get enough nutrition as produce, the herbs, and the superfoods are loaded with nutrition. although, the first few days are the hardest to do after a few days, the hunger pretty much goes away and you feel fine in fact many feel better. Wen you start getting hungry all the time again, this is when you might consider eating as return of intense hunger pains could be a sign the body needs you to eat again, But people have went on very long juice fasts even for months. My longer was 30 days when I did the incurable program once and Schulze did two 30 days and one 60 days. next time I am trying for 45 days. If fasting is new to you, you might fear it but don't as it is not harmful..schulze says when you are sick, immediately stop eating. the energy going to digestion is diverted to healing when we are not eating. Be cautious how you break the it more help with this online. Yur stomach shrinks and you should not use large portions of the 6th day of eanding the fast you can resume a diet like before but this time a healthy one.

I personally would drink distilled water with all teas you make and drink about 1/3 to 1/2 distilled to 1/2 to 2/3 revers osmosis water due to some recent articles I read on distilled water exclusively may not be healthy, but I think Schulze used all distilled. But really thinking about what tigger said it does make sense that the distilled water if it pulls more chemicals out of he teas could also pull the toxins from the blood so I see nothing wrong with doing just distilled for a while

Caution..your call-- With the original program, he recommends a gallon a day. some on here feel this is unsafe for the kidney patient some disagreed I do not know but use caution and be sure to take the recommended things below like lots of. Listen to your body on this.

* If taking more water and even if not, be sure also to assist the skin in working for you (sweat, skin brush, dry sauna, exercise) and take water retention juices, teas, and the stand in water to the neck routine listed below)

*****make sure bowels and skin work for you in the absence****
*******************of the kidneys**********************************'

*until the formulas arrive--Be sure to use something when you are juicing for the bowels to work well..while waiting for the intestinal one and two to come, at least take psyllium and/or prune juice as the toxins being loosed by juicing must be able to get out and since kidneys are bad, bowels and skin must be working well as assist that.

*it is especially important for you to do the skin brushing and sweating activities in the program...just leave nothing out.

*********cleansing the elimination organs and
***********immune boosting*************************

the essence of the program and why it works for all diseases is it gets the toxins out of the body and introduces good healthy habits and high nutrition and it rebuilds the organs and body (as all our cells in the body in two years time will have been killed and replaced with new cells. if we are thinking bad thoughts and feeling bad emotions, eating bad foods and maintaining bad habits, the new cells will progressively decline but if we are thinking positive thoughts, feeling positive, eating healthy, taking the herbs, exercising and all that, we will build better cells and eventually rebuild bad organs.

It is crucial in getting the toxins to not only get the body and its organs and cells to release the toxins and waste but to be sure they can get out of the body..we breathe in oxygen and take in nutrition and we release the carbon dioxide and waste products and toxins.

The elimination organs must be working well in order to get the toxins out cause if they break loose and can't get out, one could get or fell worst. the bowels is the biggest way the waste is removed and indeed Schultze said 80% of his sick and dying patients got better just doing through bowel cleansing. I think he said 95% got better using the foundational program before they even got to the herbs specific to their case. But he continued to do that to be sure all cancer was gone even when they felt better and to assist the sick more not less.. he aids the colon via enemas and the intestinal cleanse number 1 and 2

The other elimination organs are the kidney/bladder (which he addresses with his kidney/bladder flush, kidney/bladder tincture and kidney/bladder tea)

the liver/gall bladder which he addresses with his liver/gb flush, liver/gb tea/ and liver/gb tincture

the skin which is assisted with the skin brushing with natural fiber brush, the sweating from one hour of exercise daily, and diaphoretic teas (which I mention further down in the 25 steps.

Although he does not mention how to help the lungs, I would recommend one does a mucous cleanse and one is found in Linda rector page's book called detoxification (get on ebay/amazon/ on her website healthy healing. she has many other cleanses in her book..

One also does immune boosting herbs and blood cleansing herbs..also know that cayenne is a catalyst herb which means it makes every other herb work more effectively as it powers through the blood an cells and gets the nutrients where they are going and the waste out. best to taste so you feel the heat on your tongue and use organic in the tincture form or one could just put the cayenne powder in warm water..put cayenne in the search at for more but i would include cayenne in the program.

*Also do the kidney tincture at least 5 times per day...2 dropperfuls if you weigh 150 lbs use Clark's rule if more than 25 lbs over or under this (see children's doses at the patient handbook the link s below) Some posters feel even more would be helpful of the kidney herbs.

*Alternate the liver/gall bladder regimen with the kidney/ bladder every other week and alternate the blood cleansing and the immune boosting formulas that Schulze says every other week. Do all the other steps, even those that seem small, unimportant or difficult for those leaving out just a single past of the incurables sometimes id not get well, redid it and included that left out part and did get well. Everything is there for a reason. do not pick and choose. This is very important. Also see his 20 steps to a better life on his website at and do those too.

*in addition to the cleansing in the program (colon/kidney-bladder/liver-gall bladder) also do a lung cleanse if you can
for how to do it or email me

*****************general info on herbs*************************

*Dr Christopher recommends taking herbs 6 days a week and resting on the 7th day and taking then 6 weeks and resting on the 7th and then resuming the cycle again as he noted this improves their effectiveness. If making your own tinctures, schulze recommends doing them on the full moon (see his videos for more on this).

**********specific to the kidney patient*******************

also specific to the kidney and the incurables program--when doing the foot reflexology, pay special attention to the kidney areas..likewise when doing the cold showers, I recommend of each minute of hot and cold, do 1/3 whole body including heart since you had problems there (Jensen) and any problem areas, 1/3 on the back of the kidneys and 1/3 on the front of the kidneys.

in addition to the hot/cold showers, you can do hot and cold packs to the kidney areas front and back maybe alternate hot on the front and cold on the bottom and then alternate

**********Packs over the kidney areas (and info on charcoal)********************

also use castor oil packs (see below) on the kidneys..some of the posters, like unyquity, recommended activated charcoal packs and I totally agree with this (but do the two separately as charcoal absorbs nutrients. If taking charcoal internally .do not take it at the same time as any food/nutrient, tea, etc but separate by at least an hour if taking internally the intestinal cleanse number two also contains charcoal so keep this in mind when creating your schedule of each thing to do at what time. Also externally use it alone so it does not absorb the nutrients of any herb you put with it an blunt that herb from working. I think unyquity's suggestion to alternate one night castor oil packs and one night activated charcoal packs over the kidneys is a good idea. Also add the cabbage leave one sometimes and do your hot and cold packs some too. Be sure to see this site for more on how to do the charcoal packs and why and all and it says there that charcoal filters the toxins from the blood so this is very important and I am glad they recommended this..see these two sites for more on charcoal by a very knowledgeable guy who posts on here, Tom (more on castor oil packs in another post)

maybe once a week do a Bentonite clay or some kind of clay poultice like tiger recommends...this is drawing out also..maybe if you also used the charcoal that night it would absorb poisons to it and then the clay could help draw them out of the body in that area. So I think it is ok to use charcoal with clay as you are using it for its drawing power more than nutrients and such.

so I think alternate castor oil and activated charcoal poultice every other night for six days and on the 7h do a clay pack with or without activated charcoal mixed in (do not put charcoal over broken skin areas as it may tattoo the skin maybe mix with some Bentonite clay in that event)

also do these sometimes --recommended by Dr Christopher for the kidneys

Cabbage Leaves for Kidney Disease: Apply cabbage leaves over the kidney areas and leave on overnight and also for a few hours during the day

Just figure out some regimen on the packs that works best for you doing something nightly. I think some people put covering wrapped around them or even saran wrap to hold the poultice on there...he manual may have more info


Be sure to add many of the kidney recommended juices/teas/foods (if using solids)
into your kidney incurables dandelion greens, parsley/parsley root/
spinach/ cuke-parsley juice/watermelon/cornsilk tea/bean pod tea etc (see below)

the incurables program itself also has kidney herbs but add this all to it and into your choice of juices and teas and such. One can find plaintain, dandelion greens themselves right nearby and use them fresh/juiced/in teas or tinctured, can grow their own parsley and use the cornsilk when they buy corn and the Watermelon teas when they juice Watermelon to save money. Making one's own formulas is always an option to. One could even get organic tincture if a formula does not contain too many herbs so the proportions in the formula and mix the ready made ingredients. This is
especially easy for those formulas using one part of each herbs (the intestinal cleanse two though uses 7 parts psyllium so be aware, but many use only one or two parts or an herb. A good ready made tincture brand I use that is often found locally is herbpharm. Also some other sources or somewhat comparable herbs are listed below and if one is making try to use organic or wildcrafted but an herb or two conventional may b ok if you can't find/afford it and even leaving an herb or two is OK Schulze said. If you can afford it, Schulze;s are definitely the top of the line in quality.

Do not let money stop you, I lived in poverty and did it making my own tinctures
and picking stuff outside when I could and I did not even use organic as couldn't find much then and left out an herb once in a while and I did have results but if you can afford it, I think organic is a must as these herbs have 7-10 times the pytochemicals that prevent and cure disease and one can maybe cut back on other stuff and find the money to get the better quality as do not skimp on your health but if truly no way but to use lesser quality at least try that. Shopping farmer's market allows one to get lots of produce for juicing or some join farming coops alone or with others splitting a share. The payoff to your investment will be better health and where there is a will there is a way. Buying produce is cheaper when you consider you aren't buying expensive meat and junk foods and ready made foods.

I am not saying use cheap herbs at all as one needs the strength of organic and schulze if possible but I am saying do not let poverty stop you..make them yourself..they will be stronger than anything you can buy..look for a company that sells smaller amounts like in one ounce lots, but do something.

my opinion

best-schulze (herbdoc)
2nd-comparable company (see below) or making your own with organic/wild crafted herbs
3rd-mixing a good brand like herbpharm together in the right proportions to make the formulas yourself using already done tinctures
last-make them doing best you can getting organic on most using bulk herbs and fresh when you can find them

*************mental aids**********************

*Also I recommend adding positive affirmations, daily prayer, and practicing the law of attraction (the secret) and visualization of healing and stress reduction techniques (massage is part of the program too), laughter/helping others this is important too

*******where to get the formulas in the incurables?**************************

A.. His formulas can be purchased at here is the link

They are the best bar none I feel here is why
click on each number

B. Also a comparable website selling organic versions similar to his (but not his) (these were given by unyquity as comparable using same ingredients and are organic and someone less in price)
there are:


b. or through Chris here

C. or make your own using the formulas in the manuals and instructions for how to make tinctures and use bulk organic and wildcrafted herbs if you can find them,. If you cannot find an herb or two, he says the formula will still be ok (or substitute one of the same class ie--diuretic herb, tonic herbs, etc)

D making them by using premade organic tinctures and mixing into the right formula parts wise

Example lets say the formula you are going to use is 1 parts red raspberry, 2 parts burdock and 3 part comfrey and i part olive could buy 1 bottle of olive leaf tincture, one bottle of red raspberry tincture, two bottles of burdock tincture and three bottles of comfrey tincture and then mix them all together into a big jar (to use pour some of it back into the tincture eyedropper bottles being sure to newly label it with whatever the name of the formula is and label it expiring 5 years from now. This is a quick way to kind of make it yourself but saves a lot of time.

Let's say you could not find red raspberry tincture for your formula..well, then buy that in the bulk herbs and make a tincture, when it is done. pour it into a tincture bottle to measure one part and then add it to the rest of the mixed formulas. Be sure your tincture is organic or wildcrafted when buying it.

Let's say, it is an emergency and you do not have two weeks to do a tincture for the missing part, red raspberry..just add the right amounts of the herb and menstrum (usually vodka) into the big jar of the combined herbs (the right amount is what one would estimate would go into the small tincture bottle and make it half herbs and half vodka when it settles so use about half herbs and half vodka that would fit into a tincture bottle (usually they are one ounce) figure out the right approximate amount and then add it herbs and all to the big bottle and then shake it the whole thing and one could then use in a day or so..maybe even immediately if a crisis...just do not strain it until at least two weeks have passed..each day it will increase in potency but you can still be taking it right away. I hope this suggestion is understandable. I am just giving you some options here.

please thoroughly familiarize your self with his program by watching the videos, reading the manual, and reading his incurables section of the patient handbook

***********why--the incurables program*************
It has cured diseases of every type. Schulze said he had numerous patients on dialysis and with kidney disease healed by using the incurables program

see page 24 of this book for this statement and more



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