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13 beneficial teas(edited to add more)
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13 beneficial teas(edited to add more)

13 beneficial teas

additional helpful teas besides the ones on the program

for the kidneys--watermelon seed tea,sage tea, bean pod tea, juniper berry tea, parsley tea, corn silk tea (do not use if on dialysis), goldenrod tea, and plantain tea (4-5 times a day) or you can take a plantain tincture about 2 dropperfuls 5 times a day

mandatory is the teas on the incurables program

for fluid retention parsley juice tincture/tea/juiced

marshmallow tea also helps see under kidneys

green tea may also be of help

or fluid retention parsley juice tincture and juiced if possible too

and herbal diuretics (these are found in Schulze's kidney tea and in his kidney tonics..

someone on here recommended this

"Look at purchasing Milagro Tea which has helped my uncle stay off Dialysis even though he has been prep for it. Look it up and it has done wonders for our family lowering Sugar levels"

Milagro tea helps the liver and kidneys and also helps diabetes

This man said he was able to get off dialysis with it.


Retention of Urine: If there is retention of urine, juniper berry tea is the quickest acting diuretic we have known. People who were writhing on the floor in agony from retention of urine have voided in a few minutes after the administration of juniper berry tea. Sometimes, when the urinary tract is loaded with mucus and morbid matter, and has been so for years, there will be a rush for the sludge to get out through the small opening to the outside of the body. If this is the case, elimination should be attempted more slowly and a diluted dose of diuretic tea can be used. Once elimination has started and the tract does become clogged, however, hot fomentations alternating with cold can be used on the kidney and groin area to make elimination possible by breaking up the blockage by increasing circulation to the area.

other herbs which are mentioned in herbpharm therapuetic herb manual as being of some benefit to the kidneys (see it for more info) are the goldenrod-horsetail compound, buchu, burdock (discussed separately), dandelion (discussed separately), fringe tree, goldenrod, horsetail, hydrangea and juniper..see manual for what they do exactly.



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